How do you pronounce Van Leeuwen?
Since we are an American brand “Van (like the vehicle) Lou (like the name) Inn (like the hotel).” If we were in the Netherlands “Von (the von Trapp Family) Lei (Like the Hawaiian flower necklace) Vin (Like French for wine).”
Is Van Leeuwen a Dutch company?
Not exactly, Van Leeuwen Ice Cream was founded in NYC by brothers Ben and Pete Van Leeuwen (American with a Dutch Dad) and Laura O’Neill (an Australian living in America).
How did Van Leeuwen Ice Cream get started?
Ben and Pete Van Leeuwen and Laura O’Neill started Van Leeuwen Ice Cream out of a yellow truck on the streets of NYC in 2008, with the mission to make good ice cream, from good ingredients, that makes you feel good. Learn more about our story and mission here.
Where can I find Van Leeuwen Ice Cream?
You can find us in our scoop shop located at Orchard Central #01-19.
Why is the dairy ice cream called French Ice Cream?
Eggs. Plenty of ’em. Turns out, when you use twice as many egg yolks as the standard ice cream you have to call it French Ice Cream. Fine by us. Because whether it’s using more eggs or having to legally change our name, we’ll do anything to make the best ice cream on Earth.
Was that really Ben Van Leeuwen on Deal or No Deal!?
It was! Ben had a ton of fun meeting Howie.